What Is The Best Value Preposition Approach For Business Success

What Is The Best Value Preposition Approach For Business Success

The Value Proposition is an effective tool for discovering the ideal product-market match. It enables you to gain insights into your target audience and create a product that caters to their specific requirements.

What Is The Value Proposition?

A value proposition is a statement that identifies the benefits products and services will deliver to its customers. It will differentiate the specific product or service in the marketplace and among the target audience.

Understand the need for your product and which unique factors to create a value proposition. A product/service Value proposition is essential for communicating the benefits of choosing your brand over competitors.

circle of Value Proposition

Before You Create Value Propositions, You Need To Ask These Questions:

  • What is my business offering to the customers?
  • How customers would require my product/services.
  • Who are the competitors for your business?
  • What is the unique selling point of my brand? 

It defines the brand features your business offers by product/services. It defines products/services and how they stand out from other products. What are the Unique Selling Points of the products/services you offer? 

It is the specific solution your business provides and promises of value that a customer can expect from your business. It can help in conversion and enhance sales.

Do define why your product/service is the best choice for the customers. Creating from scratch is hard, use the templates below so you can follow along with the rest of the post.

Developing A Compelling Value Proposition

It is the specific solution your business provides and promises value that a customer can expect.

Let’s look at an example: Uber – a travel service provider that meets low-cost, available anytime anywhere, and on-demand needs. Proximity, convenience, and simplicity are at the heart of their value proposition.

Building a Winning Value Proposition

Now let’s describe how to transform your thoughts into reality and ideas into clear statements. To create an effective value proposition statement that helps your business to create a benchmark in the industry. Value proposition helps (Customer) to achieve (Goal) by (Unique value proposition).

Keep in mind that value propositions are tools to convert and draw in new customers for your business. It should not have guff or complexities in them. It should be thoughtful with a well-researched advertising idea.

Step: 1 Key Element To Remember While Crafting Value Proposition

Define Your Target Audience:

Identify the target audience you want to sell the product/ services to and you can do the research work. It can help to align your marketing efforts accordingly. Identify the audience likely to convert and know their details like location, profession, and personal interest. It can help to design value propositions more precisely. 

Identify Customers Requirement

Customer service reps, marketing specialists, and salespeople can fill in the gaps about what problems your customers are looking to solve by using your product or service. For example, let’s say your business sells tax software on a subscription basis, with automated templates included in the software package.

Your ideal customer is looking for an affordable and user-friendly way to access complicated tax documents for their business. Ideal customer can find your product relatable to their needs and is more likely to buy.

The product or services you offer your customers echo their requirements. 

Identify The Benefits Your Product/Services Offered:

This step can be as simple as listing every product you sell and describing its primary benefit. The benefit should be concise and focused on a single customer need. In our tax software example, list each tax template, explain the benefit it provides, and why a customer would need it.

Connect The Requirement Of The Customer With The Services/Product 

These elements make your product or service valuable in the eyes of customers. Do they resonate with customers’ requirements? Refine your value proposition to make it different from competitors. Find a valid buyer requirement and viable solution that your business can achieve.

Know Your Competition

Your business value proposition should be unique. Is there a specific customer service offering your business offers? Check your product/service charges, the features you are offering are helpful for customers to solve their problems. Compare your value proposition with competitors while taking care of the buyer’s needs.

Identify The Unique Selling Point Of The Product/Services

Identify the USP (Unique Selling Points) of your business offering. Review if your USP resonates with customer requirements and helps in customer acquisition. This can help the customer rely on your business.

Deciding on the USP for the product/services would require extensive research around the product. You can check how your competitors are doing and come out with creative ideas. Let your audience know how your business stands out extensively.

Tell Your Customer How Will Your Product/Service Meet Their Needs

To start with, define what your product or service offers customers. Ask questions that help you understand the product/service from a user’s point of view.

Happy Customer
  • Do your product/services Customer service facility?
  • Is it Affordable?
  • Is the design simplified?
  • Affordability is great, but does the quality of the product match?
  • Are the needs of customers fulfilled?
  • Is the product making customers’ work simpler and cost-effective?
  • How does this improve customer satisfaction?
  • How can customers rely on your product/services?

There can be n number of questions that can help you to understand customer mindset while purchasing. Using these questions, you can frame value propositions for business.

Step 2: Value Proposition Canvas

Value Proposition Canvas

A value proposition canvas is a way of structuring and positioning the main components of your business around customer requirements. The purpose of creating a value proposition canvas is to identify how your business can provide value within the market.

And it increases the customer acquisition rate. A value proposition provides accurate solutions for potential customers and enables conversion.

How To Make The Value Proposition Canvas

Value propositions have two segments. Customer profile and map product and service.

Customer Segments

Customers segments consist of three areas where you need to focus on:

  • Customer Jobs: 

What asks customers are trying to complete; on which problems they are brainstorming? Understand how to improvise and simplify customer jobs with your product and service.

  • Customers Expectations 

What gains or expectations does the customer have with the product/services you offer? The ideal customers will have this in mind What will your business do for us? Research to know what customers’ expectations from your product/services are.

  • Identify Complications Customers Are Facing 

Know about the complications customers are facing in their jobs. Is there any space where they feel they are stuck? Figure out a way to tackle it and add it to your product/services.

Find the complications customers face and align your product/ services that way. This way you can present products/services on the value map side of the value proposition canvas.

Create A Map Of Products And Services For Customers:

In this section, we define what the business offers to the customers. Value proposition maps the canvas seeks to address presenting unique solutions and unexpected gains to customers.

Gain Creators  

The features of the product/services you offer to satisfy customers and make them happy. Be thoughtful while understanding to make the customer experience happy with your services. Consider finances relevant to customer requirements social goals, and more.

Pain Relievers 

This area addresses elements that eliminate a current frustration or complications of customers such as undesired costs, accessibility, or negative labels.

Product and Services 

List to present all the products and services based on above mentioned key points. You can tell customers that your product and services are ready for use.

Step 3: Identify Value Proposition Customer Fit 

Once the value proposition canvas is completed. The next step will be how the map so that the value proposition fits the customer profile. To accomplish this, use the ranking process to prioritize products/services based on customer profiles.

A strong alignment between your customer profile and value proposition signifies a favorable product-market fit.

Your Value Proposition Canvas Looks Like

map Value Proposition

While creating it you can review many Value proposition templates for a better view. Choose one that goes well with your business value proposition.

Value Proposition Templates

Example of Value Prepositions for Business 

Let’s go back to Taxi, Uber as an example.

Taxi customers need quick, accessible, and affordable transportation. So, these are the first thoughts of customers when they book a taxi. In addition, their customers demand safety during their rides, and authentication of the car they are traveling in.

A comfortable trip is needed to maintain their transport, and driver ratings from previous passengers. Customers may not immediately think of these factors, but eventually, they may. They need to be addressed in advance to avoid any hassle.


Lastly, drawing conclusions from this value proposition canvas and analyzing your value proposition can help you improve your strategies, messaging, and overall product. Value propositions are internal information and rarely stated publicly.

Finding an effective value proposition is part of the marketing strategy. Hope this blog gave you some idea about value proposition benefits for your business. For any queries do let us know. 

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