7 Proven Remarketing Tactics For Videos And Podcasts

7 Proven Remarketing Tactics For Videos And Podcasts

Using remarketing techniques with videos and podcasts will help you engage more audiences. Who have previously interacted with your website on mobile apps. It is known to be an advanced technique in 2023 where you can interact with your potential customers in a more dynamic and feasible way.

Thereby triggering them for the products or services. And encouraging them to return to the website to complete the desired action.

Some Powerful Techniques Through Videos and Podcasts:

In which you can create a more effective and personalized remarketing strategy.

1. Use Storytelling

Evoking the customers’ emotions is one of the most powerful weapons in remarketing. Storey Telling has a powerful impact on customers’ mindset. A story that customers can relate to and find more genuine. This can lead customers to show more compassion for the brand while buying. So, whenever you try to pitch your product to the customer, start with genuine storytelling, including some scenarios.  

Look At The Below Tips For Using Storytelling.

  • Explain Your Journey and How You Achieve Your Goals: Along with storytelling, talk about your business journey. Do mention your failures, phases that made you strong, achievements, and small steps you took to achieve your goal.
  • Story That Inspires Through: Give them the reason they can relate the story with them. Mention about how your previous customer benefitted from your product and positive outcomes.
  • Utilize Visual Storytelling: This feature boosts audience interest in your brand’s story and keeps them engaged. Using visuals to support the narratives and sound effects can make it more interesting.
  • A Story That Inspires the Audience: This thing to keep in mind while authoring a story for your brand. Make sure it is inspiring, it talks about How you achieved your goals and how you make the product better for the customers.

2. Create Tutorials Or How-To Guides

Here is the Step-by-Step Process:

  • Create Your Video Ad – The first step is to create a video ad that may include a promotional video or product demo. Any other type of video content that you think will resonate with your audience.
  • Set Up Your Remarketing List– The next step is to create a remarketing list in Google ads. This will help you target that audience who have already visited your website. For this, go to the “Audiences” tab in your Google Ads account and select “Remarketing”.
  • Add The Remarketing Tag To Your Website- To track user behavior on your website. You’ll need to add the remarketing tag to your website’s code. This tag will track user behavior and add them to your remarketing list. You can find the remarketing tag in the “Audiences” tab of your Google Ads account.
  • Create Your Remarketing Campaign- Once you have your remarketing list set up, it’s time to create your remarketing campaign. In Google Ads, go to the “Campaigns” tab and click on “New Campaign.” Choose the “Video” campaign type and select your ad format.
  • Set Your Targeting And Bidding- Next, you’ll need to set your targeting and bidding options. You can choose to target specific audiences or demographics, as well as set your bidding strategy.
  • Launch Your Campaign – Finally, you can launch your campaign and start reaching out to your target audience with your video ad.

3. Use Video Testimonials for Remarketing

Using video testimonials in your remarketing campaigns can be an effective way to build trust and credibility with your audience.

Here is the Step-by-Step Guide:

  • Determine Your Satisfied Customers- Reach out to customers who have used your product or services in the past and ask them to share their experience in the videos.
  • Record The Testimonials – Schedule a time to record the video testimonials. You can do this in person or remotely through video conferencing software. Make sure to ask your customers to speak honestly about their experience with your brand.
  • Edit The Videos – Once you have the video testimonials, edit them into short clips that highlight the most compelling parts of each testimonial. You can add text overlays, background music, and other elements to make the videos more engaging.
  • Create Your Remarketing Campaign – Make sure to choose the “In-stream” or “Discovery” ad format to ensure your video testimonials are shown to your target audience.

4. Experiment With Different Formats

Look at the steps below:

  • Identify Your Campaign Goals – Determine what you want to achieve with your video remarketing campaign. Do you want to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or generate leads?
  • Choose Your Ad Format – There are several video ad formats to choose from, including in-stream ads, bumper ads, and discovery ads. Choose the format that aligns with your campaign goals.
  • Create Different Versions Of Your Video Ad/Podcast- Create multiple versions of your video ad/podcast with different messaging, visuals, and calls-to-action. This will help you test which version performs best with your target audience.
  • Set Up Your Targeting And Bidding – Choose the audience you want to target and set your bidding strategy based on your budget and campaign goals.
  • Analyze Your Results – Monitor your campaign performance and analyze the results to determine which version of your video ad/podcast performs best. Use this information to optimize your campaign moving forward.

5. Use Retargeting To Promote Podcast Episodes

  • Set Up A Tracking Pixel- The first and foremost step is to set up a tracking pixel that will help you retarget people who have visited.
  • Create Custom Audiences- Once your tracking pixel is in place, you can create custom audiences based on specific actions people have taken on your website.
  • Develop Ad Creatives- This could include snippets of your podcast episodes, compelling headlines, and calls to action that encourage people to listen.
  • Set Up Retargeting Campaigns: With your custom audiences and ad creatives in place, you can set up retargeting campaigns. To target people who have interacted with your content in the past.
  • Monitor And Adjust: Finally, it’s important to monitor your retargeting campaigns. To see how they’re performing and make adjustments as needed.

6. Incorporate Humor

Incorporating humor in remarketing with videos and podcasts can be an effective way to grab people’s attention and make your brand more memorable.

  • Know Your Audience: Humor can be subjective, so it’s important to understand what your target audience finds funny and what they might find offensive.
  • Keep It Relevant: While humor can be a great way to grab attention, it’s important to keep it relevant to your brand and the message you’re trying to convey.
  • Be Authentic: Don’t try to force humor into your campaigns if it doesn’t fit your brand’s personality or voice.
  • Use Video And Podcast Formats: These formats allow you to tell a story and use visuals and sound to create a memorable experience for your audience.
  • Test: Monitor engagement and conversion rates, and adjust your approach as needed to optimize your results.

7. Offer Exclusive Content

It is an effective way to incentivize people to engage with your brand and take action

  • Create Valuable Content: The key to offering exclusive content is to create something that your target audience will find valuable and engaging. This could be a behind-the-scenes, sneak peek at new products or services or exclusive interviews with industry experts.
  • Promote Your Exclusive Content: Once you’ve created your exclusive content, you’ll need to promote it effectively. Use your remarketing campaigns to highlight the value of your content and encourage people to take action to access it.
  • Use Gated Content: To make your exclusive content feel truly exclusive, consider using gated content. This means requiring people to provide their contact information. Complete a specific action (like sharing the content on social media) in order to access the content.
  • Align Your Content With Your Marketing Goals: It’s important to ensure your content is aligned with your marketing goals. Ensure that your exclusive content supports your overall brand message and helps you achieve your desired outcomes.

Wrap Up!

Retargeting with videos and podcasts can be a powerful way to drive results for your business. And build stronger relationships with your target audience. By leveraging the unique strengths of these formats.

And integrating them into your remarketing campaigns. You can create a more engaging and effective marketing strategy that helps you stand out from the competition.

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